Are You Eating Too Acidic?

In today’s modern diet, many of the foods we consume are highly processed, overly sugared, and contain all kinds of ingredients that we don’t want in our bodies.

If you eat too many foods that are acidic, you can develop acidosis, a condition when the body becomes too acidic. This condition is caused by consuming high amounts of problematic nutrients such as:

  • Foods rich in chloride, phosphate and sulfate
  • Any foods with added salt such as:
    • Processed foods in jars
    • Canned foods
    • Fast Foods

What exactly does acidosis do to your body? 

First off, its very bad for the bones. The increased acidity causes a need to leach magnesium and calcium from the bones to neutralize the acidity, which leads to brittle bones. Do this enough, and you’ll have osteoporosis.

Also, your muscles break down to release ammonia to neutralize the acidity, which can lead to muscle loss and tears.

In addition, when our bodies release calcium to buffer acidity, theres a high risk the calcium solidifies to form a kidney stone. OUCH!

In addition to these symptoms, watch out for headaches, confusion, exhaustion, sleepiness, and dysfunction in your brain.

Check Out This pH Spectrum from our Friends at Evolution Healthworks:


Whatever you do, make sure to keep an alkaline lifestyle up! 

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