5 Reasons to Drink Matcha Tea

Matcha Tea has officially taken the country by storm, and thats a great thing. Matcha offers a ton of benefits, and is even convincing dedicated coffee lovers to make the switch.

Matcha tea is becoming a go to for health enthusiasts because of its insanely high antioxidant content. One cup of matcha green tea has as many antioxidants as 10 cups of regular tea!

This super high amount of antioxidants is because entire leaves are dissolved in water rather than steeped in bags. This means that instead of discarding the leaves, your consuming all their antioxidant powers.

What are the main benefits of this tea thats extremely high in antioxidants? Check em out! 


Matcha tea in powdered form

1. Matcha tea is a cancer preventer

Green tea contains potent antioxidants called catechins which scavenge free radicals from the body. Even more, Matcha tea has catechin antioxidants in higher numbers than traditional green tea!

A 2003 University of Colorado study confirmed that drinking 1 cup of matcha green tea has 137 times the amount of antioxidant EGCG compared to a conventional cup of green tea!

2. It makes you look younger 

Matcha tea is able to combat inflammation, oxidation and aging all leading to it functioning as an anti-ager.

Need proof? Check out the Okinawan peoples longevity to which they attribute Matcha tea!

3. Its gives you ENERGY

For me personally, coffee can give me headaches at times. Matcha tea provides me with a great clean energy to help power through my day.

You’re consuming whole leaves in matcha, so you may get three times as much caffeine than a cup of steeped tea, about the amount in a cup of brewed coffee.

4. Its a detoxifier

Matcha tea and other plants are green because of chlorophyll. Although not widely scientifically proven yet, chlorophyll is thought to be a great detoxifier.

Chlorophyll is thought to clear the body of toxins such as heavy metals, hormone disruptors, and dioxins.

5. Matcha lowers LDL Cholesterol

A 2011 study featured in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition demonstrated that administration of green tea beverages or extracts significantly lowered serum total cholesterol and LDL  cholesterol concentrations

Got any recommendations on uses of Matcha? Let us know! 

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