Category Archives: alkaline

Two Great Juices To Cure Your Case Of The Mondays

Getting going on Mondays isn’t ever easy unless your laying on a beach or doing something else you love! The best way to get started in the right direction after the weekend is providing our bodies with healthy, nutritious foods! A quick and easy way to do this is through drinking juices. Not everybody wants to spend the $8-$12 that juices

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How Balancing Your Body pH Can Heal Your Body

Some health experts believe that our pH balance is extremely important, others say it is essential, there are a few who clearly state that it is a matter of life and death. The only people who don’t emphasize the alkaline/acidity balance as central to health are quacks that peddle a pharmaceutical pill for every ill, a drug for every bug. A way

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Dr. Oz’s 25 Alkaline Promoting Foods

These foods may help neutralize potentially toxic dietary acids, potentially supporting organ health and trimming body mass. The typical American diet is full of foods like meat and dairy products that tend to increase the acidity of your blood. Recent research suggests that eating too many acid-promoting foods could potentially damage your kidney and your liver and might even raise

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