Category Archives: Diet

5 Tips For A Healthier Thanksgivng

Thanksgiving is a time for friends and family to get together, eat some delicious food, and be thankful for time spent together. However, its often a time that people gain a few notches on the belt as they “splurge” and eat and drink as much as they can. Its the Holidays right?   Well this is the time of year

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How Balancing Your Body pH Can Heal Your Body

Some health experts believe that our pH balance is extremely important, others say it is essential, there are a few who clearly state that it is a matter of life and death. The only people who don’t emphasize the alkaline/acidity balance as central to health are quacks that peddle a pharmaceutical pill for every ill, a drug for every bug. A way

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Are Blueberries The World’s Healthiest Food?

Blueberries, that deliciously healthy berry just got an added boost in the form of new research finding that freezing the superfood actually increases the berry’s nutritional content. Graduate student Marin Plumb, a food science major at South Dakota State University, found that frozen blueberries are equally nutritious as fresh blueberries, even after six months of freezing. Plumb’s experiment involved observing antioxidant levels

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12 Foods With More Sugar Than A Krispy Kreme Doughnut

    Via takepart:Sugar has become a super-villain of sorts. We see its evil machinations in the form of Tony the Tiger eering down at children and in rats getting addicted to Oreos like they were cocaine. Even the substitutes it has spawned can cause weight gain, brain tumors, bladder cancer, and many other health problems. Still, 71.4 percent of American adults allot more

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