Category Archives: Drinking Water

3 Great Benefits of Alkaline Water

We here at Organic Shift are big fans of alkaline water. Whether its in our smoothies, our coffee, or just plain, we make sure we get as much of it as possible. Our friends over at Evolution Healthworks manufacture Water Ionizers that we think make the best tasting, and healthiest alkaline water. Recently they pointed out the 3 main benefits

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Coconut Water: Not All It’s Cracked Up To Be

coconut water

There’s no doubt you’ve noticed the onslaught of Coconut Water appearing at every carryout and grocery store. Vita Coco, Zico and a number of other brands have burst on the scene in the past few years with sexy packaging and claims of “super-hydrating” and “mega-electrolyte.” I’m a fan of Zico. It comes in a variety of flavors and serves as

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Weight Loss is a Glass Away

water weight loss

Today’s post comes to us from our partners at Evolution Healthworks, a source for premium mineralized water, and The Hungry Heart, an emotional eating and weight loss counseling service. The Hungry Heart is offering a brand new video series from Founder Lauren Grant. Give it a look! —- In today’s world of superfoods, fad diets and workout crazes, potential solutions

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How Balancing Your Body pH Can Heal Your Body

Some health experts believe that our pH balance is extremely important, others say it is essential, there are a few who clearly state that it is a matter of life and death. The only people who don’t emphasize the alkaline/acidity balance as central to health are quacks that peddle a pharmaceutical pill for every ill, a drug for every bug. A way

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7 Reasons To Claim Water For Life, Not Coal

Safe, affordable and accessible water is one of our planet’s scarcest natural resources. Many people don’t have access to fresh water for sanitation, agriculture, or even to drink. Yet, global water consumption by the power sector is growing; it’s expected to more than double by 2035, with coal projects accounting for 50% of increased water use. Vast quantities of water

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10 Ways To Rid Your Body Of Toxic Chemicals

We are surrounded by toxic chemicals every day – around 80,000 worth,according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). From the pesticides on the foods we eat to the latest tech gadgets and hottest new beauty products, chemicals are everywhere. Unfortunately, these chemicals, such as bisphenol A (BPA), formaldehyde, phthalates and toxic flame retardants, are easily absorbed into our bodies and have

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5 Reasons Not To Drink Bottled Water

Bottled water is healthy water — or so marketers would have us believe. Just look at the labels or the bottled water ads: deep, pristine pools of spring water; majestic alpine peaks; healthy, active people gulping down icy bottled water between biking in the park and a trip to the yoga studio. In reality, bottled water is just water. That

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How Much Atrazine is Safe in Your Water?

For decades, farmers, lawn care workers and professional green thumbs have relied on the popular weed killer atrazine to protect their crops, golf courses and manicured lawns. But atrazine often washes into water supplies and has become among the most common contaminants in American reservoirs and other sources of drinking water. Now, new research suggests that atrazine may be dangerous

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