Category Archives: electrolytes

Coconut Water: Not All It’s Cracked Up To Be

coconut water

There’s no doubt you’ve noticed the onslaught of Coconut Water appearing at every carryout and grocery store. Vita Coco, Zico and a number of other brands have burst on the scene in the past few years with sexy packaging and claims of “super-hydrating” and “mega-electrolyte.” I’m a fan of Zico. It comes in a variety of flavors and serves as

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What Are Electrolytes and Why Do I Need Them?

We’ve heard the term “electrolytes” countless times. We know Gatorade and other sports drinks supposedly replenish them. They have something to do with physical performance. But do we have any idea what electrolytes are? Set aside the Powerade for a second and let’s chat about electrolytes. You know them by another name Calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium. What do they all

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