Category Archives: Fruits

5 Pesticide Soaked Fruits and Vegetables To Avoid At All Costs

As you can probably guess from the name of our blog, we are big supporters of organic foods and produce. Mainstream media often downplays the importance of eating organic, but many people still make the healthy switch to organic foods. Although the organic industry and movement is growing, many people still don’t know about the dangers many fruits and vegetables

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Healthier ‘Mashed’ Potatoes for Thanksgiving

Mashed potatoes are delicious. I love their fluffy goodness, and the way they complement the other items on my plate during thanksgiving. Unfortunately, they often are filled with salt, butter, and gravy among other things resulting in one big calorie bomb sitting on your plate. We have a solution: Maple Mashed Sweet Potatoes! This is a dish that still has

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Coconut Water: Not All It’s Cracked Up To Be

coconut water

There’s no doubt you’ve noticed the onslaught of Coconut Water appearing at every carryout and grocery store. Vita Coco, Zico and a number of other brands have burst on the scene in the past few years with sexy packaging and claims of “super-hydrating” and “mega-electrolyte.” I’m a fan of Zico. It comes in a variety of flavors and serves as

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5 Toxic Fruits

I know just as well as anyone that although eating healthy is the right thing to do, it can leave a hole in your wallet. We’re all paying a premium for organic fruits and vegetables raised without chemicals and pesticides. But some dangers you’re not bringing home with those organic fruits and vegetables are chemicals known or suspected of causing cancer, harming the brain,

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Cold-Pressed Juice: Should It Be Your New Main Squeeze?

One of the big new health crazes that’s popping up in juice bars and coffeehouses across the country: cold-pressed juice. These juices tout a multitude of benefits such as detox and cleansing, immunity boosting, superior nutrition, “live enzymes” and weight loss. Cold-Pressed juice has really become the darling of the natural health industry – and it looks to continue with

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8 Reasons To Support Your Local Farmers Market

This past weekend, I spent my saturday with friends going to our local San Diego farmers market. It never ceases to amaze me the diversity in products that are available from DIY hydroponic gardens,  huge varieties of produce, local marinades, and even freshly caught rabbits and seafood. From savoring produce at the peak of freshness to meeting the people who grow

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