Category Archives: toxins

5 Healthy Alternatives to Coffee

coffee alternatives

Who doesn’t love a nice caffeine buzz in the morning? It’s no secret that our country runs on coffee. Starbucks has more than 13,000 stores in the US alone. What other item could be referenced on a mug reading “Don’t talk to me until I’ve had my _______”? Doritos? Snapple? No, only coffee. Even yours truly is writing this post

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5 Facts You Didn’t Know About GMOs

Fact 1: GMOs Have Taken Over Genetically engineered crops have taken over U.S. farms in the last 20 years. The vast majority of our nation’s crops are now genetically engineered. In 2011, 96% of soybeans and 72% of corn planted in the U.S. were GMOs. Fact 2: GMOs Haven’t Delivered Genetically engineered crops were first introduced to reduce the need for herbicides. Initially

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6 Ways To Reduce Plastic This Summer And Keep The Ocean Clean

Summer is often marked by the scents of sunscreen, warm earth, wildflowers, salty seaside air — and plastic. Walk into any convenience store, drugstore or coastal gas station and you will be greeted by stacks of freshly-minted water wings, flip flops, rows of overpriced bottled water, and beach toys. As a community committed to building a better tomorrow, we should

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10 Ways To Rid Your Body Of Toxic Chemicals

We are surrounded by toxic chemicals every day – around 80,000 worth,according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). From the pesticides on the foods we eat to the latest tech gadgets and hottest new beauty products, chemicals are everywhere. Unfortunately, these chemicals, such as bisphenol A (BPA), formaldehyde, phthalates and toxic flame retardants, are easily absorbed into our bodies and have

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