Category Archives: Contaminants

15 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Use Bottled Water

Water, its essential for us to live, our bodies are made up of 70% water, and it tastes delicious. For some reason however, humans decided that it would be a good idea to bottle it and sell it to others. One funny thing about bottled water that most people don’t realize, is that for the most part, companies are simply

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Olympics In Rio de Janeiro Wont Meet Water Pollution Targets

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) Brazil will not make good on its commitment to clean up Rio de Janeiro’s sewage-filled Guanabara Bay by the 2016 Olympic Games, state environmental officials acknowledged in a letter obtained Saturday by The Associated Press. In the May 7 letter addressed to Sports Minister Aldo Rebelo, Rio’s state environment secretary, Carlos Francisco Portinho, asks for more

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5 Reasons Not To Drink Bottled Water

Bottled water is healthy water — or so marketers would have us believe. Just look at the labels or the bottled water ads: deep, pristine pools of spring water; majestic alpine peaks; healthy, active people gulping down icy bottled water between biking in the park and a trip to the yoga studio. In reality, bottled water is just water. That

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Contaminants In Your Water: Radionuclides

Radioactive materials can enter water in several ways: By being deposited in surface water from the air By entering ground water or surface water from the ground through erosion, seepage, or human activities such as mining, farming, storm water, and industrial activities. By dissolving from underground mineral deposits as waster flows through them Some radioactive particles dissolve and move along with the water. Others

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Higher Daily Nitrate Intake From Drinking Water During Pregnancy Associated With Birth Defects

Findings from a study of mothers and their exposures during the first trimester of pregnancy suggest that higher nitrate intake from drinking water sources might be associated with some types of defects in babies. Published recently in Environmental Health Perspectives, the study took place in Iowa and Texas. The investigators used data from participants of the National Birth Defects Prevention

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