Tag Archives: apples

5 Toxic Fruits

I know just as well as anyone that although eating healthy is the right thing to do, it can leave a hole in your wallet. We’re all paying a premium for organic fruits and vegetables raised without chemicals and pesticides. But some dangers you’re not bringing home with those organic fruits and vegetables are chemicals known or suspected of causing cancer, harming the brain,

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Dr. Oz’s 25 Alkaline Promoting Foods

These foods may help neutralize potentially toxic dietary acids, potentially supporting organ health and trimming body mass. The typical American diet is full of foods like meat and dairy products that tend to increase the acidity of your blood. Recent research suggests that eating too many acid-promoting foods could potentially damage your kidney and your liver and might even raise

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Why American Apples Are Now Banned In Europe

Back in 2008, European Food Safety Authority began pressing the chemical industry to provide safety information on a substance called diphenylamine, or DPA. Widely applied to apples after harvest, DPA prevents “storage scald”—brown spots that “becomes a concern when fruit is stored for several months,” according to Washington State University, reporting from the heartland of industrial-scale apple production. DPA isn’t believed

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12 Foods To Buy Organic

Maintaining a healthy diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables that are pesticide free can be time consuming and overwhelming for some, but the health benefits are superior to the time it takes to plan your weekly shopping list. Over the past few years, organic produce and other foods have become more abundant in our grocery stores. However, many people

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