Tag Archives: cancer

7 Foods To Start Eating This New Year

Happy New Year Everyone! Were back after taking a break during the holidays to spend time with our families. Were excited to be back discussing health with everyone again! If you have thought about making changes to your diet in the past, what better time then now? Were past the holidays, and you have a fresh start in 2015! Eating

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5 Toxic Fruits

I know just as well as anyone that although eating healthy is the right thing to do, it can leave a hole in your wallet. We’re all paying a premium for organic fruits and vegetables raised without chemicals and pesticides. But some dangers you’re not bringing home with those organic fruits and vegetables are chemicals known or suspected of causing cancer, harming the brain,

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12 Foods With More Sugar Than A Krispy Kreme Doughnut

    Via takepart:Sugar has become a super-villain of sorts. We see its evil machinations in the form of Tony the Tiger eering down at children and in rats getting addicted to Oreos like they were cocaine. Even the substitutes it has spawned can cause weight gain, brain tumors, bladder cancer, and many other health problems. Still, 71.4 percent of American adults allot more

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8 Benefits of Drinking Red Wine

Every year, there is a flurry of headlines about the health benefits of wine. But can drinking wine really make a difference? Here, the news—very good news, indeed—from the latest studies. Note: The health benefits come from moderate wine consumption, defined by the American Heart Association as one to two four-ounce glasses a day. The Benefit: Promotes Longevity The Evidence:

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8 Of The Best Antioxidant Foods You Didnt Know

When scientists first discovered the power of antioxidants to destroy cell damaging free radicals the hunt was on. Check out the places you didn’t know Antioxidants were hiding. 1. Whole grain pasta Whole grain versions of pasta (whole wheatshould be listed as the first ingredient) have three times more antioxidants than enriched or refined varieties, found Vinson’s study at the

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How Much Atrazine is Safe in Your Water?

For decades, farmers, lawn care workers and professional green thumbs have relied on the popular weed killer atrazine to protect their crops, golf courses and manicured lawns. But atrazine often washes into water supplies and has become among the most common contaminants in American reservoirs and other sources of drinking water. Now, new research suggests that atrazine may be dangerous

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Cancer In A Can: The Unknown Effects of BPA

Bisphenol A (BPA), a harmless-seeming material that is an ingredient in certain plastics, can cause unknown horrors. It is used to line billions of cans and in other forms of packaging, including polycarbonate water bottles, those hard, shatterproof containers often used for sports. In ultra-low doses—the amount that can leach from packaging and bottles into food and drink—BPA has been

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