Tag Archives: corn

5 Facts You Didn’t Know About GMOs

Fact 1: GMOs Have Taken Over Genetically engineered crops have taken over U.S. farms in the last 20 years. The vast majority of our nation’s crops are now genetically engineered. In 2011, 96% of soybeans and 72% of corn planted in the U.S. were GMOs. Fact 2: GMOs Haven’t Delivered Genetically engineered crops were first introduced to reduce the need for herbicides. Initially

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12 Foods To Buy Organic

Maintaining a healthy diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables that are pesticide free can be time consuming and overwhelming for some, but the health benefits are superior to the time it takes to plan your weekly shopping list. Over the past few years, organic produce and other foods have become more abundant in our grocery stores. However, many people

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Most Common GMO Foods

Genetically Modified Organisms (referred to as GM or GMO) are found in up to 80% of the food sold in American supermarkets. GM plants are much more common than many people realize too. Here is a list of the 10 most common GMO foods so you can be more aware while grocery shopping. 10 most common GMO foods 1. Soy Up to 90% of soybeans

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Truth About Organic Eggs

When you see the “organic” label on a carton of eggs, what do you visualize? If you’re like many consumers, you probably think of a flock of healthy, friendly chickens feeding on an open pasture, with their diets perhaps supplemented by some locally sourced food in poor weather or conditions when the pasture is low. You might be under the

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