Tag Archives: fda

Are Artificial Food Colorings Worse For Kids Than Sugar?

The Centers for Science in the Public Interest sent a email out earlier this week, a non-profit nutrition advocacy group, hailing a new “first-ever” study that revealed the amounts of food dyes in brand-name foods. “The findings are disturbing since the amounts of dyes found in even single servings of numerous foods — or combinations of several dyed foods —

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Shopping Guide: Organic vs. All-Natural: What’s the Difference?

These days, a trip to the grocery store can be overwhelming. Do you buy organic? Or are all-natural products just as good? What about chemical free? The Food and Drug Administration has taken some steps to make food labeling clearer, but it’s easy to get misled by product labels. To become a more informed shopper, experts recommend doing research to

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Why American Apples Are Now Banned In Europe

Back in 2008, European Food Safety Authority began pressing the chemical industry to provide safety information on a substance called diphenylamine, or DPA. Widely applied to apples after harvest, DPA prevents “storage scald”—brown spots that “becomes a concern when fruit is stored for several months,” according to Washington State University, reporting from the heartland of industrial-scale apple production. DPA isn’t believed

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Food Labels And What They Really Mean

Nowadays, it seems like every food label is designed to make you think its contents are healthy (or at least not all that bad). And while a new Harris Interactive survey shows that the majority of Americans say they find those labels helpful in making healthy food choices, some of them mean diddly squat. While the Food and Drug Administration

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