Tag Archives: fiber

Do It Yourself Protein Shakes

We here at Organic Shift are big fans of an early morning workout to get the blood flowing before a long day. After a workout, it’s critical to get protein into your body because it repairs your tired muscles and helps them grow. The optimum amount of protein for one serving is between 10-20 grams. Your body doesn’t care where

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Cold-Pressed Juice: Should It Be Your New Main Squeeze?

One of the big new health crazes that’s popping up in juice bars and coffeehouses across the country: cold-pressed juice. These juices tout a multitude of benefits such as detox and cleansing, immunity boosting, superior nutrition, “live enzymes” and weight loss. Cold-Pressed juice has really become the darling of the natural health industry – and it looks to continue with

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Food Labels And What They Really Mean

Nowadays, it seems like every food label is designed to make you think its contents are healthy (or at least not all that bad). And while a new Harris Interactive survey shows that the majority of Americans say they find those labels helpful in making healthy food choices, some of them mean diddly squat. While the Food and Drug Administration

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