Tag Archives: fish

7 Low-Acid Foods To Add To Your Diet

In todays world of processed foods, sodas, and coffee multiple times a day, there is no surprise our bodies are becoming more acidic, and your stomach is taking the brunt of the damage. You know it all too well. Heartburn. That fiery sensation that grabs hold of your lower chest after you eat something you know you shouldn’t have. What

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5 Healthy Food Pairings To Supercharge Your Diet

Batman and Robin; Regis and Kelly. Like all good duos, be they heroes or TV personalities, each complement the other oh-so-well. Surprisingly, the same holds true for food. While some ingredients are perfectly healthful on their own, they’re nutritional gangbusters when combined with the right sidekick. “Pairing foods can help us obtain a synergy from their various nutrients, and it’s

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