Tag Archives: fruit

7 Foods To Start Eating This New Year

Happy New Year Everyone! Were back after taking a break during the holidays to spend time with our families. Were excited to be back discussing health with everyone again! If you have thought about making changes to your diet in the past, what better time then now? Were past the holidays, and you have a fresh start in 2015! Eating

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8 Reasons To Support Your Local Farmers Market

This past weekend, I spent my saturday with friends going to our local San Diego farmers market. It never ceases to amaze me the diversity in products that are available from DIY hydroponic gardens,  huge varieties of produce, local marinades, and even freshly caught rabbits and seafood. From savoring produce at the peak of freshness to meeting the people who grow

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Avocado Health Facts: 6 Things You Didnt Know

An Avocado Is A Fruit, And More Specifically A Berry You might be inclined to call it a vegetable, thanks to its green hue and savory taste, but the avocado is technically a fruit, and even more specifically, a single-seeded berry. A fruit is “the matured ovary of a flower,” according to University of California Agriculture & Natural Resources. Fruits consist

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Why American Apples Are Now Banned In Europe

Back in 2008, European Food Safety Authority began pressing the chemical industry to provide safety information on a substance called diphenylamine, or DPA. Widely applied to apples after harvest, DPA prevents “storage scald”—brown spots that “becomes a concern when fruit is stored for several months,” according to Washington State University, reporting from the heartland of industrial-scale apple production. DPA isn’t believed

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Healthy and Tasty Snacks

There are plenty of nutritious foods that are also tasty. With a little knowledge on what foods to buy and the proper preparation techniques, both taste and nutrition can be combined for optimum health. “I tell my clients all the time that making one change can create a powerful and healthy momentum,” says Registered Dietitian Dawn Jackson Blatner and spokesperson

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