Tag Archives: hormones

Almond Milk or Soy Milk?

almond soy milk

Picture this, Organic Shifters: you’re about to enjoy a heart bowl of (your favorite cereal here) and you open the fridge to find two plant-based milk options. First is soy milk. It’s tasty and a wonderful alternative to dairy, but you read an article somewhere about how it causes hormonal imbalances. The other option is almond milk, the great white

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8 Reasons To Support Your Local Farmers Market

This past weekend, I spent my saturday with friends going to our local San Diego farmers market. It never ceases to amaze me the diversity in products that are available from DIY hydroponic gardens,  huge varieties of produce, local marinades, and even freshly caught rabbits and seafood. From savoring produce at the peak of freshness to meeting the people who grow

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7 Reasons To Grow Your Own Organic Garden

During the last decades there has been a change towards mechanization and homogenization of farming, which uses pesticides, additives, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers and mass-production techniques. The World Health Organization produces reports to show how the use of chemicals and other products on food, coupled with the manufacturing processes involved, are actually a threat for our health. If you have space

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Shopping Guide: Organic vs. All-Natural: What’s the Difference?

These days, a trip to the grocery store can be overwhelming. Do you buy organic? Or are all-natural products just as good? What about chemical free? The Food and Drug Administration has taken some steps to make food labeling clearer, but it’s easy to get misled by product labels. To become a more informed shopper, experts recommend doing research to

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