Tag Archives: nuts

7 Reasons To Add Almonds To Your Diet

I developed a love for almonds from watching my roommate Richie snack on them throughout the day. He claimed that it helped him suppress his hunger and gave him a boost of mental energy, so I decided to give them a shot. I started with salted almonds, and have moved onto roasted almonds. They have quickly become my favorite nut.

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9 Natural Foods That Help Ease Pain

Achy joints Food Rx: Cherries, turmeric Here’s sweet news: Preliminary research suggests that eating about 20 tart cherries may be as effective as taking ibuprofen for reducing pain. (Plus, it’s a star in our favorite oatmeal recipe.) In a more recent study, eating about 45 cherries a day reduced C-reactive protein, a major marker of inflammation associated with arthritis, by 25%.

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