Tag Archives: organic shift

Gluten-Free Brews is Now Available!

Today is the big day. Gluten-Free Brews: The Guide To Gluten-Free Beer is finally available on Amazon! Download it FOR FREE HERE ON AMAZON We’re running a limited-time promotion so you can download it today for free! Gluten-Free Brews is #1 in three categories: Drinks & Beverages, Beer and Gluten-Free. Thanks to all of you Organic Shifters who have downloaded it

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An Interview With Russ Klisch of Lakefront Brewery

We had the opportunity to talk with Lakefront Brewery President Russ Klisch about what makes Lakefront different from its competitors. Based out of Milwaukee, Lakefront is one of the pioneers of the gluten-free beer industry. It’s not a strictly gluten-free brewery, but Lakefront was a first mover in the now booming segment. Parts of our interview with Klisch will be featured in our upcoming book,

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An Interview with Bard’s Beer CEO Brian Kovalchuk

In anticipation of our upcoming book, Gluten-Free Brews: The Guide to Gluten-Free Beers, we wanted to give you a sneak preview of some of our interviews with gluten-free brewers. We’ll start with Brian Kovalchuk, CEO of Bard’s Beer, a gluten-free brewery located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Prior to his time at Bard’s Kovalchuk served as CEO of PBR. Tell me a little about Bard’s

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