Tag Archives: pesticide

5 Pesticide Soaked Fruits and Vegetables To Avoid At All Costs

As you can probably guess from the name of our blog, we are big supporters of organic foods and produce. Mainstream media often downplays the importance of eating organic, but many people still make the healthy switch to organic foods. Although the organic industry and movement is growing, many people still don’t know about the dangers many fruits and vegetables

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8 Reasons To Support Your Local Farmers Market

This past weekend, I spent my saturday with friends going to our local San Diego farmers market. It never ceases to amaze me the diversity in products that are available from DIY hydroponic gardens,  huge varieties of produce, local marinades, and even freshly caught rabbits and seafood. From savoring produce at the peak of freshness to meeting the people who grow

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Why You Should Drink Organic Beer

Founder of Portlands Organic Brewers Festival Sounds Off Craig Nicholls gets a little fired up when you ask him about organic beer. The founder of Portland’s North American Organic Brewers Festival is of the opinion that Oregon, the U.S. and the entire world should shop for their beer like they shop their vegetables: from organic, environmentally-sustainable farmers. “I think everybody

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Shopping Guide: Organic vs. All-Natural: What’s the Difference?

These days, a trip to the grocery store can be overwhelming. Do you buy organic? Or are all-natural products just as good? What about chemical free? The Food and Drug Administration has taken some steps to make food labeling clearer, but it’s easy to get misled by product labels. To become a more informed shopper, experts recommend doing research to

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Conventional Or Organic Produce? Is Organic Better?

Produce Nutrition: Many studies have compared the vitamins, minerals, macronutrients and other compounds in organic and conventional produce, and a 2012 review concluded that the results were all over the map. The one exception was that the phosphorus content of organic produce is higher, although the review, done by Stanford University scientists, calls that finding “not clinically significant.” Along with

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GMO Agent Orange Crops Close to USDA Approval

The US Department of Agricultural is seriously considering approving of different kinds of corn and soybean seed, which have been genetically engineered to be resistant to many herbicides – including the chemical known as 2,4-D. This controversial proposal of the chemical’s use has activists and researchers outraged. Different types of corn and soybean seeds genetically made to resist several herbicides

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