Tag Archives: pesticides

5 Toxic Fruits

I know just as well as anyone that although eating healthy is the right thing to do, it can leave a hole in your wallet. We’re all paying a premium for organic fruits and vegetables raised without chemicals and pesticides. But some dangers you’re not bringing home with those organic fruits and vegetables are chemicals known or suspected of causing cancer, harming the brain,

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5 Facts You Didn’t Know About GMOs

Fact 1: GMOs Have Taken Over Genetically engineered crops have taken over U.S. farms in the last 20 years. The vast majority of our nation’s crops are now genetically engineered. In 2011, 96% of soybeans and 72% of corn planted in the U.S. were GMOs. Fact 2: GMOs Haven’t Delivered Genetically engineered crops were first introduced to reduce the need for herbicides. Initially

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World Environment Day: 7 Tips For Creating A Organic Garden

There is nothing like enjoying the fruits of your labor, literally! The seeds you just planted turn out as little shoots and flowers until they grow into bulbs and finally young little things waiting for their weaning. Picking the tomatoes and leafy greens you’ve been waiting to grow for weeks, can give you a feeling of achievement and pride! If

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7 Reasons To Grow Your Own Organic Garden

During the last decades there has been a change towards mechanization and homogenization of farming, which uses pesticides, additives, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers and mass-production techniques. The World Health Organization produces reports to show how the use of chemicals and other products on food, coupled with the manufacturing processes involved, are actually a threat for our health. If you have space

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Conventional Or Organic Produce? Is Organic Better?

Produce Nutrition: Many studies have compared the vitamins, minerals, macronutrients and other compounds in organic and conventional produce, and a 2012 review concluded that the results were all over the map. The one exception was that the phosphorus content of organic produce is higher, although the review, done by Stanford University scientists, calls that finding “not clinically significant.” Along with

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Survey: Consumers Might Read Organic Label Differently Than Organic Standards Board

The Consumer Reports National Research Center says that “questionable practices” remain in the regulation of the fast-growing organics industry. It is hoping that new public opinion research released today as the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) begins a four-day meeting in San Antonio will help narrow the divide between what consumers think they are getting and what industry regulation actually delivers .A representative survey of

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12 Foods To Buy Organic

Maintaining a healthy diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables that are pesticide free can be time consuming and overwhelming for some, but the health benefits are superior to the time it takes to plan your weekly shopping list. Over the past few years, organic produce and other foods have become more abundant in our grocery stores. However, many people

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