Tag Archives: pollution

15 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Use Bottled Water

Water, its essential for us to live, our bodies are made up of 70% water, and it tastes delicious. For some reason however, humans decided that it would be a good idea to bottle it and sell it to others. One funny thing about bottled water that most people don’t realize, is that for the most part, companies are simply

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6 Ways To Reduce Plastic This Summer And Keep The Ocean Clean

Summer is often marked by the scents of sunscreen, warm earth, wildflowers, salty seaside air — and plastic. Walk into any convenience store, drugstore or coastal gas station and you will be greeted by stacks of freshly-minted water wings, flip flops, rows of overpriced bottled water, and beach toys. As a community committed to building a better tomorrow, we should

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Olympics In Rio de Janeiro Wont Meet Water Pollution Targets

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) Brazil will not make good on its commitment to clean up Rio de Janeiro’s sewage-filled Guanabara Bay by the 2016 Olympic Games, state environmental officials acknowledged in a letter obtained Saturday by The Associated Press. In the May 7 letter addressed to Sports Minister Aldo Rebelo, Rio’s state environment secretary, Carlos Francisco Portinho, asks for more

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5 Reasons Not To Drink Bottled Water

Bottled water is healthy water — or so marketers would have us believe. Just look at the labels or the bottled water ads: deep, pristine pools of spring water; majestic alpine peaks; healthy, active people gulping down icy bottled water between biking in the park and a trip to the yoga studio. In reality, bottled water is just water. That

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