Tag Archives: protein

What Plant Foods Are High In Protein?

We all know that making sure you have a diet that is high in protein is important. However did you know that many plants can provide you this protein? Plants provide protein in amounts and proportions that is optimal for the human body! General, healthy recommendations for protein amounts for optimal functioning of the human body are around 10% of

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5 Healthy Food Pairings To Supercharge Your Diet

Batman and Robin; Regis and Kelly. Like all good duos, be they heroes or TV personalities, each complement the other oh-so-well. Surprisingly, the same holds true for food. While some ingredients are perfectly healthful on their own, they’re nutritional gangbusters when combined with the right sidekick. “Pairing foods can help us obtain a synergy from their various nutrients, and it’s

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Avocado Health Facts: 6 Things You Didnt Know

An Avocado Is A Fruit, And More Specifically A Berry You might be inclined to call it a vegetable, thanks to its green hue and savory taste, but the avocado is technically a fruit, and even more specifically, a single-seeded berry. A fruit is “the matured ovary of a flower,” according to University of California Agriculture & Natural Resources. Fruits consist

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