Tag Archives: tomatoes

12 Foods For Healthy Skin

Clear, Healthy skin can make all the difference in your appearance. Whether your meeting someone for the first time, doing your daily routine, or even heading out on the town for the night, no one likes pimples. Adding fresh foods to my diet has always kept skin in good shape, along with drinking plenty of water. Here is our list

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5 Healthy Food Pairings To Supercharge Your Diet

Batman and Robin; Regis and Kelly. Like all good duos, be they heroes or TV personalities, each complement the other oh-so-well. Surprisingly, the same holds true for food. While some ingredients are perfectly healthful on their own, they’re nutritional gangbusters when combined with the right sidekick. “Pairing foods can help us obtain a synergy from their various nutrients, and it’s

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Dr. Oz’s 25 Alkaline Promoting Foods

These foods may help neutralize potentially toxic dietary acids, potentially supporting organ health and trimming body mass. The typical American diet is full of foods like meat and dairy products that tend to increase the acidity of your blood. Recent research suggests that eating too many acid-promoting foods could potentially damage your kidney and your liver and might even raise

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