Tag Archives: vegetables

What Plant Foods Are High In Protein?

We all know that making sure you have a diet that is high in protein is important. However did you know that many plants can provide you this protein? Plants provide protein in amounts and proportions that is optimal for the human body! General, healthy recommendations for protein amounts for optimal functioning of the human body are around 10% of

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Cold-Pressed Juice: Should It Be Your New Main Squeeze?

One of the big new health crazes that’s popping up in juice bars and coffeehouses across the country: cold-pressed juice. These juices tout a multitude of benefits such as detox and cleansing, immunity boosting, superior nutrition, “live enzymes” and weight loss. Cold-Pressed juice has really become the darling of the natural health industry – and it looks to continue with

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The Healthy Bacteria Craze: Fermented Foods and Probiotic Drinks

Whether they’re pickled in a dirt hole for several months, jarred in the back of your pantry, or just fell off the back of a VitaCoco truck, fermented foods have made waves as tasty and health conscious treats. From coconut water and quinoa, to dairy and and beans, any dietary staple can be infused with the cultured brilliance of fermentation.

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