Tag Archives: water

3 Great Benefits of Alkaline Water

We here at Organic Shift are big fans of alkaline water. Whether its in our smoothies, our coffee, or just plain, we make sure we get as much of it as possible. Our friends over at Evolution Healthworks manufacture Water Ionizers that we think make the best tasting, and healthiest alkaline water. Recently they pointed out the 3 main benefits

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Weight Loss is a Glass Away

water weight loss

Today’s post comes to us from our partners at Evolution Healthworks, a source for premium mineralized water, and The Hungry Heart, an emotional eating and weight loss counseling service. The Hungry Heart is offering a brand new video series from Founder Lauren Grant. Give it a look! —- In today’s world of superfoods, fad diets and workout crazes, potential solutions

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What Are Electrolytes and Why Do I Need Them?

We’ve heard the term “electrolytes” countless times. We know Gatorade and other sports drinks supposedly replenish them. They have something to do with physical performance. But do we have any idea what electrolytes are? Set aside the Powerade for a second and let’s chat about electrolytes. You know them by another name Calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium. What do they all

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