Tag Archives: yogurt

Here’s 5 Reasons To Include Kefir in Your Diet Today

I’m a big fan of some yogurt in the morning, but did you know that you can get the benefits of yogurt in a drinkable form? Yogurt fans, meet kefir. Like yogurt, kefir is a cultured milk product with a tart and even sour taste. Kefir hails from Eastern Europe and recently has made a splash in the natural food market.

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12 Foods With More Sugar Than A Krispy Kreme Doughnut

    Via takepart:Sugar has become a super-villain of sorts. We see its evil machinations in the form of Tony the Tiger eering down at children and in rats getting addicted to Oreos like they were cocaine. Even the substitutes it has spawned can cause weight gain, brain tumors, bladder cancer, and many other health problems. Still, 71.4 percent of American adults allot more

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8 Of The Best Antioxidant Foods You Didnt Know

When scientists first discovered the power of antioxidants to destroy cell damaging free radicals the hunt was on. Check out the places you didn’t know Antioxidants were hiding. 1. Whole grain pasta Whole grain versions of pasta (whole wheatshould be listed as the first ingredient) have three times more antioxidants than enriched or refined varieties, found Vinson’s study at the

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